Apartic 房地产 Shopify Template is as luxurious as it should be to help you sell expensive houses and apartments. 这对一家建筑公司来说也很有好处. 主题特点...
Sales: 5
Support: 4.1/5


Like every successful business, selling and renting houses and apartments also moved online. It's easier to impress an online viewer looking for a property to buy or lease with great images and fantastic product and services presentations. Also, you can provide your viewers with an atmosphere of harmony and relaxation and give them access to your complete virtual portfolio.

Our 房地产 Agency Shopify主题 are perfect to use if you want to upgrade your estate agency website and gain more clients. 100% responsive designs and great content organization make these themes the best investment in your business's development and growth.

Shopify家庭销售管理主题-功能 & 特征

在这个商业领域, you first need to allow your client to know you as a company which is extremely easy to do, 使用集成的web表单. 我们的模板带有一套完整的网络表单,如联系表单, 登录表单, 通迅订阅, 用户注册, 及查册表格. These are extremely useful for communication with clients and to help users find what they need quickly and easily. Also, you can present them with new offers and services with the 通迅订阅 Form.

Such a basic function for any online store as Retina-readiness will help your visitors to enjoy your online showcase and photos of products in the catalog. No blur or distortion - only high-quality photos that will impress your potential customers and help them make their choice faster.

seo友好将帮助你爬到搜索引擎的顶端. Getting organic traffic increases sales and saves you money that you would otherwise spend on paid ad campaigns.

使用管理面板, your customization and management of the website becomes very easy and doesn't require wasting your valuable time. 由于引导集成和非常良好的结构和组织的文档, 一切都可以通过点击按钮来完成.

We also offer 24/7 lifetime support to make sure you and your customers are satisfied with our templates.


我们的模板将是任何在线项目的理想基地. However, we make them as customized as possible for specific business niches to save your time. 如今,生活的动态节奏不允许我们浪费宝贵的时间. 初学者版本中此集合中提供的所有模板都适用于:

  • 房地产中介;
  • 房地产经纪人;
  • 租赁服务;
  • 室内设计师等.


For your site to receive an organic traffic flow, it is not enough just to buy a cool design. Yes, 这是决定进一步成功的一个重要方面, 但这并不是开发过程中唯一重要的一步. 在您的在线项目启动之前和期间, we recommend that you pay attention to the following things that are a must if you want to achieve your goals:

  • 聘请一位经理. 在增加沟通方式后,许多客户将需要个人协助. 我们相信你不会被所有的请求弄糊涂, calls, 并通过正确的营销方式传达信息. Make sure that your employee understands what services you provide and can provide high-quality service and support in any matter.
  • 添加客户的推荐. 我们建议你考虑一下视频和照片评论. This will be good proof of your reliability and will convince potential customers that you can be trusted. Don't make your reviews too "commercial" - they should be real, not the work of talented copywriters.
  • 说到文案, it is important to mention that they should also be involved in creating your project. 所有文本必须是专业和语言正确. 找一个有SEO技能的专家, 这样你不仅可以获得“销售”文案,还可以获得额外的流量.


我丢失了Shopify房地产主题文件. 我可以再拿一次吗?

是的,您有两种选择来检索您的文件. We've recently created the "My Account" option for our clients to track their purchases. 您将能够要求您的Shopify设计被重新发送给您. 如果你没有账户, please get in touch with our managers through the online chat and let them know your order ID, contacts, 或您的订单详细信息中提到的电子邮件.


When you buy the Shopify design at the usual price, you automatically get the one-time usage license. 它使您只能在一个网站上使用每个单独的产品, 要么属于你,要么属于你的客户. You have to purchase the same template again if you plan to use the same design with another or other projects. When passing files to your client, please delete the template files from your computer.


如果您购买了开发人员许可证, you are granted permission to use the Shopify design on up to 5 domains for projects 要么属于你,要么属于你的客户.


You may opt to purchase additional options, such as Shopify theme installation, web hosting, etc. 一旦购买完成,你的账户就没有其他费用了. 如果您决定以后订购定制,它将被视为单独的订单.


Watch a helpful video with the hottest home sales management designs for your Shopify store. 为物业管理机构的项目找一个完美的主题, 并使其盈利,以响应, seo友好, 和完全成熟可靠的主题布局.